Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Meet 9 Month Old Sophia!

Today, I had my 9 month check up at the doctor... not a whole lot of fun. It is hard to believe that in less that three months, I will be 1 year old!
Mommy and Daddy say that I am the most beautiful baby in the whole world!
Ooooohhh, look, new shoes!!
I am loving these shoes!!
Do not even THINK about takin my shoes!

Enjoying the nice spring weather... in MARCH!

On Saturday, March 7th, I had a very busy day. After enjoying our surprise sleep-over visit from our friends, Pastor Rob and Barb Smith, on Friday night, I awoke for a FULL day of fun.

First, we traveled to Limerick, PA so that Daddy could be interviewed by the Nazarene District Board for his District Minister's License.
Then after that, we traveled to Uncle Cory and Aunt Elizabeth's house to celebrate the birthday of Cousin Morgan (it was her first birthday!), Uncle Cory, and my Great Aunt Kathy. It was a lot of fun! Cousin Morgan had all sorts of fun toys to play with and Daddy took me out to play in the grass as you can see from the above picture. Most of the Brown side of the family was there... including Grandpa and Grandmama Brown, Uncle Matt, and Aunt Stephanie (I have another cousin growing up in Aunt Steph's belly), Great Uncle Brian, and Cousins Hannah and Sarah.
I did not get a whole lot of sleep that day... which made me not such a happy camper later in the day. It did not help that Daddy kept getting lost on our way back to Ephrata.
And to top it all off, on Saturday night, we lost an hour of precious beauty sleep due to Daylight Savings Time.
Oh, well, I am all adjusted now...

Some fun with our glass door