Monday, August 11, 2008

A Blast From the Past

The first day that I met Hillary and her family.
Sunday, August 6th, 2006
(Which was Walt's 50th Birthday!)
Hillary and I on the T the evening before I moved back to PA.
Hillary and her parents.
The coolest siblings ever... Troy, Mere, and Janelle.

Friday, August 8, 2008

10 Weeks Old!

While taking these pictures this morning during our play time, it was hard to believe that Sophia is 10 weeks olds today!
Our little girl is growning up so fast... sniff..sniff.

Good times with Grandma and Grandpa Brown

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Long Awaited Update

App. Two Weeks Old

App. Eight Weeks Old

A special thanks goes out to all of you who waited so patiently for these pictures. I promise it will not ever take this long again for an update... I hope.

Sophia is 10 weeks old as of Friday, August 8th. Pretty hard to believe so much time has passed.

A couple of other updates... She is now two feet long and weighs over 12 pounds! She continues to remain healthy, praise God, and she has not lost much of her dark brown hair. But enough words... I know you are all here for the pictures!

Dad and Mom

Friend Barb and Great-Grandma Donna

Aunt Mere and Aunt Janelle

Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Cory

I must apologize to the grandparents... Please email me some of the pictures that you have of you holding Sophia and I will add them. For some reason, I am sadly lacking in good pictures with Grandmas and Grandpas. Send them to Thanks!

More to come very soon... I am sorry that I do not have pictures of all of our family. This has been a wake up call for me to realize that I need to be using my camera a whole lot more. Good news: This weekend Hillary, Sophia, and I will be getting professional family pictures done. We will try to have these added sometime next week, depending on when we can get them from the photographer.