Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day One: Mission Accomplished

We arrived safely in Fargo, ND last evening. The trip went very well, apart from an out of control diaper experience and a required pitstop to change Sophia due to a little spit-up action. Sophia slept most of the 5 hour trip. Hillary felt pretty good on the trip other than being a little sore.

During the night at the hotel, Sophia slept for a 5 hour jaunt and a three hour jaunt, giving Mom and Dad some much needed and appreciated rest (I am not sure if "jaunt" is the right word here, but I decided to use it since it has become one of Hillary's favorite words.).

This morning, we wake up refreshed and ready to head to St. Paul, MN. It should take us another 5 hours or so. Thanks to all of you who continue to keep us in your prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to find your blog!!! I didn't know you had one until I read it on Morgan's blog. I check hers periodically to see how she is growing in comparison to Ava! It was so great to meet little Sophia! She is so amazing! I hope you all made it safely back to PA and feel "at home"!! Tell everyone hi for us!!! Love you!!! Abby, Brian, Reis, and Ava