Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Full Week

Wow... what a week!

On Tuesday, June 10th, the week began with both sets of Sophia's Grandparents celebrating their 30th anniversary. Both couples just happened to be married on the same day, same year!! We want to take a second to say congratulations to Grandpa Walter and Grandma Diana and Grandpa Owen and Grandma Patty as they experience this awesome milestone in their lives.

On Tuesday, Hillary had a doctor check up to find out that she is mending and healing very well. We praise God for this great report.

Then yesterday, Wednesday, June 11th, Sophia's Aunt Meredith celebrated her 21st birthday. Happy Birthday!! It is sooo hard to believe that my baby sister is 21!!!! Well, Mere, we are so happy to have you in our lives, and we know that Sophia is going adore you!

Also, yesterday Sophia had her very first doctor visit. She also so doing very well. When she was born she was 7lbs 6oz. When she was discharged from the hospital she weighed 6lbs 13oz. Less than two weeks later, she is at 8lb 9oz. Needless to say, she is feeding well. She is doing great with her sleep also, considering there are so many changes happening with our upcoming move tomorrow.

This whole week, Hillary and I have been working hard to pack up for our 3rd move in less than a year. I believe we are ready to settle down a bit after this one (God willing). The moving truck was dropped off yesterday. Today movers come to help us load it. And tomorrow, we begin the venture home.

We are sorry if the updated pictures will be scarce at this time... once we arrive home next week, we will spend some time adding our photos from Sophia's First Road Trip.

We are sad to leave all of our friends here in North Dakota. They have become our family and we will miss them greatly. Dakota's, thanks for the great experiences and good times... we will never forget you.

So... till next time, thanks for continuing to check out our blog! See you soon!

1 comment: said...

So happy to hear that both Hillary and Sophia's check-ups went beautifully!

Good luck with the move and safe travels back to PA.
We can't wait to meet the little bundle of joy! Oh and see you guys too. ;)